Department Profile
The department of Applied Mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming was founded in 1985 and since it has been striving for excellence. During this short span, the department has made a mark in the areas of both teaching and research. Several subjects of current importance like computer programming, fuzzy mathematics, computational fluid dynamics etc. are part of its curriculum.
Keeping in mind the industrial growth of the region, the importance of the atmospheric changes and ocean studies, the department has given priority to the teaching and research in the fields of Operations Research, Meteorology, Theoretical Computer Science, Fluid Dynamics. In spite of the limited facilities of computation, books and journals, fellowships and scholarships, the research performance of the department is highly encouraging .A good number of papers have been published in reputed national and international journals. Several NET / GATE /SET qualified scholars and teacher-fellows have so far worked in the department. Several students have already obtained Ph.D. and some others are working for Ph.D. in the department.
At the same time, the students of this department have been doing well in national and state-level tests like NET, GATE, SLET, etc. Furthermore, it is the department that initially took initiative in creating computer awareness in this region by organizing workshops and orientation courses on computer programming for school and college teachers.
For few years, it was a resource centre for the CLASS project of the NCERT.
Goals and Objectives of the Department
As Vidyasagar University was established for the advancement of knowledge along with the development of the region in terms of human resources, industrial growth, etc., the goals and objectives of the department of Applied
Mathematics are :
- To develop human resources for teaching mathematics in schools, colleges etc.
- To advance the knowledge of mathematics by doing research in emerging areas of mathematics.
- To create capability of solving the challenging and innovative problem in industries, business etc. in collaboration with industries, business sectors etc.
- To create an awareness for mathematics and its applications amongst the students and people in general.
- To create aptitude for taking mathematics as career
Applied Mathematics is in fact an interdisciplinary subject. Keeping this in mind, we included various interdisciplinary subjects in our curriculum in 1985. Later on, in order to cope with the changing world of modern science and technology and to fulfill the needs of the society and country, in 1989, 1995, 1999, 2007 and 2013 the curriculum was reviewed and revised by a committee consisting of experts in different fields from other Universities, Institutions and Industries. Several subjects of current importance like Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fuzzy Sets and its Applications, Soft Computing, Operations Research, Dynamical Oceanography, Dynamical Meteorology, Computer Programming etc. are part of its curriculum.
In the latest curriculum, much stresses have been given to on-hand training of the students in Computer, Numerical Analysis and Meteorology. At present the department offers two special papers: Operations Research, Dynamical Oceanography and Meteorology, each carrying 200 marks.
From the year 2013 the department has introduced semester system for regular course.
Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
Students are taught theoretically through usual classroom teaching technique in which audio-visual systems like LCD etc., are used. Moreover, tutorial classes are arranged on regular basis for the students. Seminars and group discussions by the students are also organized for their improvement. Special attention is paid to the students from weaker sections. Visits to important Meteorological laboratories (like I.M.D., I.I.T., I.I.T.M., etc.) are arranged to acquaint the students with modern methodologies and equipments. For practical classes, departmental computer laboratory, and the Meteorological laboratory are being used. Special lectures delivered by renowned mathematicians are also arranged at regular intervals.
For effective learning, recently published books are purchased regularly from grants received for this purpose. Most of the Indian Journals on Mathematics are subscribed through the grants received from the UGC and state Government. The internet facilities of the University are availed by the teachers to update their knowledge with the latest works published in various journals of international repute. National / International seminars/conference/workshops are also organized by the department to discuss about current research and to exchange the ideas. Besides this, faculty members of this department participate/attend regularly the national and international seminars/symposiums/workshops etc. in country and abroad.
As the University has the institutional membership of IIT Kharagpur, faculty members and research scholars of the department use the library of IIT Kharagpur extensively. Moreover, the libraries of ISI (Calcutta), Calcutta University, IIM (Calcutta), Jadavpur University etc. are regularly used for reference. The department makes interaction with the department of Mathematics of IIT (Kharagpur), ISI (Calcutta), Calcutta University, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Jadavpur University etc. for research purpose.
Students are evaluated through annual examination system. The whole course is equally divided into two parts, viz, Part I and Part II, each of one year duration. At the end of each part, annual examination is held and combining the said results, final results of the students are determined.
For the said examinations, both internal and external paper setters are selected and a board of moderators consisting of senior teachers from other Universities / institutions and this department moderates the questions. Answer scripts of the students are evaluated by external and internal examiners. There is also a provision for re-evaluation of the answer scripts if the students are not satisfied.
Research, Consultancy and Extension
Despite several constraints, including lack of sufficient books and journals in the library, the research performance of the department is highly encouraging. Keeping industrial growth of the region in mind and the importance of fluid dynamics in ocean studies, the department has given priority to the research in the fields of Operations Research, Theoretical Computer Science, Fluid Dynamics. At the moment, research is under way in Inventory Control in Crisp and Fuzzy Environments, Soft Computing Methods and their Applications in Inventory and Production Systems, Fuzzy and Rough Mathematics, Structural Analysis and Optimization, Multi-Objective LPP, Game Theory and its application to MCDM, Lattice Theory in soft Rough Environments, Graph Theory and its Application in Computer, Design and Analysis of Sequential and Parallel Algorithms, Magneto Fluid Dynamics, Dusty-Fluid, Visco-elastic Fluid, Water Wave Phenomena.
The department has so far produced 62 Ph. D's.
Student Support and Progression
In addition to the usual class room teaching and practical classes, special attention to the students is given in the following forms:
- Tutorial Class
- Seminars by the students
- Group discussion by the students
- Special coaching for weaker sections
- Special lectures by Eminent Mathematicians etc.
- Students are also exposed to reputed national laboratories.
- Counseling for further study, examination, employment, etc.
Moreover, the students get support services from different sections of the University such as the University Library, Computer Centre, University Administration etc..
Achievements of the Students
The students of the department have been doing well since inception in national and state-level tests such as NET, GATE, SLET etc and also in international tests like GRE etc.
A good number of students have been employed in computer software industries in both India and Abroad. Some are engaged in research in Indian and foreign Institutes and Universities.
Organization and Management
The department follows the statute and ordinance of the University with regard to the organization and management. One of the faculty member’s act as HOD on the basis of seniority for two years. This headship is rotated among the faculty members, not below the rank of Associate Professor. There is a departmental committee consisting of all the full time faculty members whose duties and functions are laid down in the ordinance. The academic affairs like framing the syllabus, matters relating to the examination i.e., finalization of the list of paper setters, examiners, board of moderators etc. are processed through the Post-Graduate Board of Studies in Applied Mathematics, which consists of all the full time faculty members and three external experts. There is also a Ph.D. committee in the department, consisting of Vice-Chancellor (as Chairperson), Dean of the Faculty of Science, all the Professors of the department, two teachers selected by the D.C. amongst from the Associate professors of the department, two external expert members and the H.O.D. (as Secretary). Hierarchical positions of Academic and Administrative management are given in Annexure- X and XI respectively.
Healthy Practices
- There is a very good cordial relation between the students and teachers (including non-teaching staff) in the department.
- One wall magazine is published periodically at the interval of three months by the students.
- Students and teachers (including non-teaching staff) of the department participate in the cultural activities and sports organized by the University.
Resource Generation
The department helped actively and participated in imparting the PGDCA course (already mentioned earlier) through which the University has generated some financial resources (two PCs have been purchased out of PGDCA course fee).
The department has opened the PG course in Applied Mathematics through distance mode. This is obviously generate some financial resources for the department as well as the University.