Core Subjects/ Specialisation
Chairman : Hon’ble Vice Chancellor
Prof. Satyajit Saha
Dean, Faculty of Science
Physics/ Solid State Physics
Prof. Debdulal Banerjee
Professor and Director
Botany/ Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology
Prof. Jayanta Kundu
Professor and Deputy Director
Zoology/ Genetics and Molecular Biology
Prof. Prakash Chandra Dhara
Professor and Member
Human Physiology/ Ergonomics, Sports Physiology
Prof. Debidas Ghosh
Professor and Member
Human Physiology/ Endocrenology, Molecular Medicine, Clinical Nutrition
Dr. Prakash Karmakar
Associate Professor and Member
Botany/ Palaeobotany, Palynology & Plant Reproductive Biology
Dr. Sandip Chattopadhyay
Associate Professor and Member
Human Physiology/ Cellular and molecular biochemistry and toxicology
Dr. Sumana Sarkhel
Assistant Professor and Member
Human Physiology/ Pharmacology, Toxicology Biophysics